
strawberry farming

-Farmer cultivates strawberries and broccoli in adverse conditions

-Farmer cultivates strawberries and broccoli in adverse conditions

Ramchandra Rathod, a farmer from Jodhpur district of Rajasthan, has surprised people by cultivating strawberries and broccoli even in adverse conditions. With his success, he has also inspired many other farmers. Ramchandra has been farming for the last 19 years. When a person decides something, he definitely achieve it even in adverse circumstances. One such story is of Ramchandra Rathod, a farmer from Jodhpur district of Rajasthan, who cultivated some such crops even in adverse conditions, which no one could even think of. Generally, Rajasthan is a state with harsh climatic conditions. Despite this, Ramchandra has surprised various people by cultivating strawberries and broccoli on a barren land. He has also inspired many other farmers with his success. Along with this, farmers from far and wide are also coming to take training from them. This farmer from Rajasthan has also presented the torch due to adverse circumstances and being surrounded by many challenges. Let us tell you that this farmer has cultivated strawberry and broccoli in the sandy land of Rajasthan.

Did agriculture in difficult circumstances

Ramchandra Rathod belongs to Luni tehsil of Jodhpur district. Luni is a part of the Marwar region of western Rajasthan, which is known for its barren land. Not only this, this area has been classified as a dark zone due to polluted water. Despite some improvement in recent times, people in this desert region are forced to face repeated droughts. Most of the youth are migrating to cities in search of jobs. But, even in this challenging scenario, Ramchandra Rathod has surprised many by successfully cultivating strawberries and broccoli on his ancestral land. It is said that the tomatoes of his farm remain fresh for two months inside the fridge. Ramachandra's farming techniques have also caught the attention of global agriculture experts.

Also readDoctor son is earning fame along with wealth by growing strawberry crop in this state. 

The farmer started farming at the age of 17

According to media reports, Ramchandra has said that he grew up in challenging circumstances. His father was also a farmer and had to face repeated crop failures due to inadequate rainfall. Due to which Ramchandra was forced to help in farming instead of pursuing further studies. She turned to tailoring to support her family and continued her education till Class 12 through self-financing. However, after the death of his father in 2004, he decided to return to farming on his ancestral land at the age of 17. He said that initially they used to cultivate bajra, jawar and moong. However, they had to face many problems due to polluted and unsuitable water.

Government training has completely transformed lives

For your information, the turning point in his life came when he got an opportunity to train for seven days at Jodhpur CAZRI Institute under the government's Krishak Mitra Scheme. This training taught them how to conserve rainwater for agriculture. Also, how to adopt new agricultural practices in desert conditions. The training has also exposed them to a range of government schemes that help farmers. The training inspired him to challenge the belief that famine and unseasonal rain were insurmountable problems. Through the practical knowledge gained from the guidance and training of agricultural scientists, they discovered the potential of rainwater harvesting and the protective benefits of polyhouses against erratic weather patterns.

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Know about these government schemes from which you can earn huge benefits . 

Farmer Ramchandra is motivating many farmers

Encouraged by an official of the horticulture department in Jodhpur district, Ramchandra built a polyhouse in 2018. He then expanded his efforts by building a farm pond and a vermi-compost unit in 2019-20. By using rainwater for cucumber cultivation in the polyhouse, he achieved a record-breaking production of 14 tonnes in just 100 square metres, a feat unmatched by any agriculturist in Jodhpur district. Continuing his innovations, he ventured into the field of cash crops and successfully cultivated strawberries and zucchini in the desert. He has also pioneered organic fertilizer production, dedicating a significant portion of his land to horticultural farming. His success story has made a huge impact. At the same time, other farmers have also been motivated to adopt similar practices.

 Sweet corn farming changed the fortunes of progressive farmer Dinesh Chauhan

Sweet corn farming changed the fortunes of progressive farmer Dinesh Chauhan

Today, let me tell you about Dinesh Chauhan, a successful farmer who specializes in sweet corn farming. Through tireless hard work, he has achieved a level of success that not everyone can attain. Currently, he and many other farmers in India are earning excellent profits by using modern farming techniques. 

Dinesh Chauhan is a progressive farmer from Manali village in the Sonipat district of Haryana, India. His village is also known as "Sweet Corn Village" because most of the farmers there cultivate sweet corn. He says that he earns huge profits annually by using modern farming techniques. He has been in the agriculture sector since 1996 and has been earning his livelihood from farming ever since. 

According to Chauhan, he owns 30 acres of agricultural land on which he grows his crops.

Dinesh Chauhan produced these crops in 1998 

Dinesh Chauhan began strawberry production in 1998. Before that, he used to cultivate traditional crops such as maize, sugarcane, and wheat. Chauhan decided to start growing strawberries as he wanted to elevate his farming techniques to a higher level. According to him, people used to view farming from a limited perspective, and it was not considered a prestigious profession. Educated youths mostly preferred pursuing jobs instead of farming. However, Chauhan saw potential in this field and decided to change the approach by adopting modern farming techniques.

The cultivation of sweet corn brought recognition to Dinesh Chauhan


Progressive farmer Dinesh Chauhan says, “ He gradually reduced the cultivation of paddy and wheat, and laid more emphasis on the cultivation of strawberries. He said that at that time farmers did not know about strawberry cultivation or the techniques related to it. But, gradually some farmers joined him and taught everyone its cultivation. After a few years, he started cultivating baby corn or sweet corn, which has been so successful that today his village is known as Sweet Corn Village across the country. Besides, the farmers of the village are earning huge profits from its cultivation. 

Also read: Gurleen has become an example by cultivating strawberries on a small piece of land.

He said that he has been cultivating sweet corn since 2001 when people in the country did not know much about it. He has said that initially people used to eat it thinking it to be American corn and it was only later that people came to know that it is being grown in a village of their own country and not in America. He said that during the initial period of sweet corn cultivation, he had to face many problems. _ People neither knew much about it nor was there a market for it. But, gradually he started sending his produce to the markets, and told people about it, and today he is earning good profits annually through this. 

Farmers earning lakhs of rupees annually 


If we talk about cost and profit, the cost of cultivating one acre of sweet corn is around Rs 25 to 30 thousand, due to which they earn a profit of Rs 1 to 1.5 lakh per acre. Apart from this, they also get help from the Haryana Government schemes and the Agriculture and Horticulture Department in farming.  If we look at it accordingly, they earn up to Rs 40 lakh annually. He gave this message to other farmers that they too can strengthen their economic condition by joining technical farming.  Farmers should produce crops as per demand.